File and Archival services
design, creation, translation between computer programs, maintenance, or revision
For over 30 years, we have nurtured and massaged millions of records for major corporations, public institutions, and not-for-profit organizations. And those are just the variable field data!
As well, from our early ExLibris arm, we have set up medium to large personal collections from accession/shelf lists to fully cross-indexed catalogs. these include ledger, classic card, and annotated, variable-field databases for information, storage, and retrieval functions. Our team members have been dubbed "Diamond Digits" by more than a few clients.
We take pride in weaning clients from our services after data set-ups and harmonizing their systems.
Years after our services have completed, we have rebuilt complete lists for clients after their in-house operators disappeared lists with several hundred thousand records each.
With each new technology advance, we translate and upgrade client records, documents, spreadsheets, and databases to keep our client material current.
We have even taken the mail lists of large corporations and government departments whose managers are reluctant to share information in-house. We have interfiled the records, merged and purged them for a single project, then broken them apart and returned them to their respective management in better condition than we received them. all cleaned, regularized, and updated.
We are valued for
meeting the deadlines we set
creative technological problem solving
Our Real World Packaging file and archival services are provided for current clients.
CONTACT: He Who Makes Data Make Sense