Real World Packaging
a boutique partner company enriching corporate publication

For 45 years, we have partnered


critically acclaimed





in print and non-print for public and private corporations

 & educational and trade publishers in Canada and The United States


We partner website developers to add educational components for boosting value in client websites & media and for increasing traffic.

We partner publishers to achieve their publishing and market goals, troubleshooting at any point from planning to aftermarket stages.

Our work, mostly commissioned, remains in print and/or revisable files kept for rapid electronic updating.

Fee, retainer, and contract options are offered for educational website component development, series services, manual and text publishing, and file and archival services.

website component development

evaluation, creation, addition, rationalization, in-house/online support

We have evaluated and jazzed client proposals, integrated website components, internationalized, and provided continuing online support for major corporations, fund-raisers, not-for-profit organizations, including educational website component guidelines for the production of and support materials for ancillary materials.

Click here to jump to Website Developer Services.

publisher partnerships

series creation, continuation, rationalization, harmonization, or revision

We have created, overhauled, internationalized, and provided major rewrites for major corporations, traditional publishers, children's magazines, multimedia productions, as well as series support materials for educational television with international audiences.

Click here to jump to Publisher and Series Services. 

manual and textbook publisher partnerships

creation, evaluation, or revision

We have done it all >

Click here to jump to Manual and Textbook Services. 

file and archival partnerships

design, creation, translation between computer programs, maintenance, or revision

We have nurtured millions of records for major corporations, public institutions, and not-for-profit organizations.  As well, we have set up medium to large personal collections for full information, storage, and retrieval functions.

Click here to jump to File and Archival Services.

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